To Count or Not to Count: That is The Question
This morning I’m eating a plus-size Milk chocolate and am not counting how many squares I have. When I just started my journey on Minnie Maud, I kept a count of how many calories I have — for the sake of hitting the minumum and not eating less. My question is: now that I am allowing myself everything in any amounts, should I still be counting? Just in case?
Something I came up for myself is occasional check-ins. Counting all the time could be tiresome or (for some) exciting in an unhealthy way, so why continue? To give you a background, I kept the count for 2 months and was hitting the minumun (AND more!) on most days. So now that I find myself following all cravings, counting just seems useless. I’m going to hit my minimum, I am sure. And if not — my body will definitely be more hungry the next day and I will follow this hunger to the fullest haha.
A scared voice still pops up and part of me is afraid I’ll slip into unintentional restriction and undereating: thoughts about ‘eating healthier’ still pop up a lot. It’s like ‘okay, I’ve eaten anything and everything for a while, now it’s time to go back to normal’. But what’s normal? For that part of my brain that’s so used to restriction, ‘normal’ means restricting myself and overthingking my food choices. ‘Normal’ means not giving into cravings or only eating at certain times. ‘Normal’ means not following what my body wants. Fuck that normal, let’s redefine it now.
‘Normal’ means:
- eating anything & everything
- eating in as much as you want
- eating any time you want
Even writing this arouses fear in me, but fear not, this IS normal, indeed. We have to trust our bodies, not fight against them. It’s scary at first and is not gonna happen overnight, but it’s worth it. Much more than being always anxious about our food choices. Welcome to the new normal ❤
Amazing videos by Tabitha on How to know how much to eat without counting calories &
How to not count calories